Monday, August 29, 2011

End of August

School has started and I have been busy with work. When I get home from work all my creative juices have already been used up, so I just veg out on the couch. It's definitely harder on me being 8 months pregnant and working, but it's manageable. Some days are better than others! All my kids are super cute and sweet. I am enjoying getting to know them all! Their little personalities are really starting to come out now. They've had 2 weeks to warm up to going to school, so they are coming out of their shells. They have already shared their germs with me and after two weeks I have a head cold. It's gotten better since Friday and hopefully it will be gone soon! Say a prayer for my immune system.. I don't want to be sick all the time and bring stuff home to Bryson!

Every weekend we have taken the boat out to the river. It's been a lot of fun and we will miss having the boat up here!!

Josh has been busy with work and school. His presentation at the conference went really well and it lasted the entire 30 minutes that it was suppose too! So thank the Lord that he got it done!! His class is starting to come to an end and he's ready for it to be done! He is burnt out of school and ready for the break he will get after this class is finished! He won't be taking another class until January since Bryson will be here shortly!

I had to take Delta to the vet today for her shots. I learned that I will never ever take her again by myself. That's Josh's dog and I can't handle her strength especially being 8 months pregnant!! I had two other people helping me try to get her on the scale and she refused. Finally after her exam they tricked her on it with a treat. It's a good thing she will do anything for a cookie. Bad news for Delta though, she has a yeast infection in her ear. She has marks in her ear from where she has been scratching. We have noticed her making noises when she scratched her ears, so that answers the question. She has to have one medicine in the morning and another at night. I'm sure she will enjoy that. So after that vet bill, we have a couple months to recuperate before it's Jackson's turn!

I am 32 weeks pregnant now. The 8th month has started and we only have 8 weeks to go until his due date. My belly has definitely done some growing, so for those that haven't seen me in a while and will be at my baby shower, get ready! I feel very pregnant these days. My back always hurts, I am always hot, and it's harder for me to get a deep breath the bigger I get. I am able to sleep at night, which is great. I think I am so tired from work, I just sleep through his kicks and punches. Tomorrow I have a doctors appointment and after this one I do believe I'll be going every 2 weeks. We are also going to a childbirth class tomorrow night. We get to tour the hospital during this class, so I am excited. We will be going to Mobile in 2 weeks for my baby shower. I am very excited! It'll be almost 2 months since we've been to Mobile and I am ready to visit!

Sorry there's no pictures this post.. I'll try to post some next time. My back is hurting, so it's time to get off the computer!

P.S This weekend starts the best season of the year... college football!! Better yet, Alabama football! ROLL TIDE!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

August Beginnings

The end of my summer vacation is coming to an end. It actually went by really fast, which you would think would be surprising, since I've mainly just been hanging out by myself at the house all summer long. Minus the 2 weeks at the beginning of June and 2 weeks at the beginning of July. It's been a good break, but school starts soon. Tomorrow I have a faculty meeting, Sunday we have open house, and Monday begins the school year. I am excited to meet all my new little babies. Today, I realized that these last 4 days of my summer break are the last 4 days of any break I will spend by myself again. Thanksgiving break, Bryson will be here... Christmas... Winter break... Spring break... Summer break. I will be sharing all these with my little boy! How fun!

Josh started his new position as GIS Analyst and he is enjoying it. He was sad to see Justin go, but it's best for Justin's family and it's best for our family. He will be going on a business trip to Dallas for another conference next week. He will also be giving a presentation in front of a group of people, so keep him in your prayers that he will do a good job! As of right now, I don't think he's too prepared. That's the difference between us.. I would never ever ever in a million years wait to prepare for something like that, but he works better under pressure. So cross your fingers that it turns out!

Last weekend, Josh's parents came to visit. His Dad brought his boat and we went out on the river. It felt so good to be back in a boat and in some water! Ever since Josh and I started dating, we spent the summers on Dog River, so it's been a big change not to have any connection to a river this whole summer. We went to the Chattahoochee River, which is only about 35 minutes from our house. The river is really nice and you can see through the water, so it's not scary swimming in it. In Dog river, you never know what's swimming around you! We had a good time swimming, fishing, and just riding around on the boat!

Josh's Dad is so kind that he left his boat with us for the next month!! So after church, we headed back out to the river! The weather was beautiful, the radar was clear, and we were ready to go! We decided to take Jackson and Delta with us. Delta loves boat riding and I thought Jackson might enjoy it too. We launched the boat at the ramp and Josh asked the guy beside us how his day had been.. the guy proceeded to ask us how the weather looked towards the main land and Josh said it was beautiful. He let us know his wife had called to let him know about a severe thunderstorm headed down from the north. Weather? We had just checked the radar an hour before and all was clear! So we decided to head on out and take our chances. However, we had about a 15 minute delay because Josh couldn't get the boat to crank. Long story short, he had a blonde moment and the boat was in gear and that's why it wouldn't crank... ha. Within these 15 minutes some black clouds started creeping our way.. but Josh said let's just go to the sand bank and we will probably pass the storm. We start on our journey, but in the distance I see rain. So we idle the boat and prepare for the rain. We put all our valuables, like cellphones and camera in the storage compartments. We start on our journey again, when all of a sudden we are hit by a torrential downpour. I hid Jackson under a blanket trying to protect him until we made to a bridge. We get under the bridge and bring out the iPhones to check the radar and notice that maybe this wasn't such a good idea! We hang out under the bridge for about 30 minutes hiding from the rain, until the thunder starts. At that point, Josh decides we make a run for it back to the ramp and pull the boat out. The storm is on top of us at this point. It's raining cats and dogs and even Delta was trying to hide her face from the rain. We pull around to the boat ramp and seriously.. when I say the storm is on top of us.. I mean it. Josh says start praying, so that's what I do! He pulls right up the ramp, jumps out and runs to the truck. Poor Jackson and I are crouched down by the water holding the boat waiting for Josh. I've never seen anyone pull a boat out so fast! From the time we pulled the boat up to the ramp, there was no thunder or lightning. Prayers answered. We were all soaked, but that's ok! We waited through the storm in the parking lot and when it finally passed we put the boat back in the water. By this time, Jackson apparently had enough of our crazy adventures. He wasn't a fan of being wet and definitely not a fan of swimming. It kept raining off and on so he never dried off and he was quite pathetic. Finally after about an hour, I told Josh I was ready to call it a day. It was cold, rainy, and I was tired of hearing Jackson whine. It was a crazy day! We can't wait to go out this weekend!

I am 29 weeks pregnant this week. I can't believe next week I will be in the 30s! AH! It's going by so fast! I went to my doctors appointment yesterday and everything is still going good. Bryson's heartbeat was 136, which is nice and strong. My belly is measuring right on track, so that's good. It was confirmed that I have been experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions. As long as they go away, everything is fine about BHC! I go back in 3 weeks and after that visit, I think I will be going every 2 weeks until it's time to go every week. More doctor visits mean the time is getting closer! :] I washed all of Bryson's clothes yesterday. I divided them into lights and darks and he has enough dark clothes to make a full load. Seriously.. think of how tiny these clothes are, so you know he has a lot! The lights were only half a load, but still! He has enough newborn (just newborn) onesies to last him 2 weeks without me washing anything. So I hope he stays small enough to wear them all! I started planning which outfits I am going to bring to the hospital for him to wear. He has to get a head start on wearing all his clothes! I just have to wash his bedding, sheets, blankets, and security blankets now. 2 more months! :]