Monday, June 20, 2011

Monday again..

Last Thursday we finally had rain. I can't remember the time before Thursday that it rained here.. it's been that long. Of course with Dothan everything comes in extremes. When it rains, it storms. We had a strong storm come in with hail and gusts up to 60 mph. The wind took out a portion of our fence and I don't mean it just blew it down. It snapped the 4x4 posts in half. Josh began working on fixing the fence on Saturday and he worked till past dark... he woke up Sunday morning and started working on it again... It's still not finished. I don't think Josh has worked that hard in a long time. And the heart index was over 100, which didn't help out! I made a huge mistake though.. I let him work outside basically all day for 2 days straight and didn't even think about sunscreen. He is fried. It is so bad.. When I see his back it makes me cringe. I went to Target today to find some lidocaine, but they didn't have any. So I guess I'll have to try Walmart. I just think he needs something a little stronger than plain ol aloe.

Our blown over fence...

Josh working on fixing it...

Friday and Saturday we had our new roof put on. Glad that it's finally on!

Today I am 22 weeks pregnant. Each day I feel more and more pregnant. The baby bump is definitely there. I have one t-shirt that fits that is presentable enough for public. On Saturday, my feet were swelling after we ran our errands and I felt like I had been walking around Disney World for 5 days and really it had only been a couple hours. I guess I'm going to have to stick to wearing my sanuks and toms to keep my feet happy. I feel Bryson all the time now. Josh felt him for the first time on Thursday. B kicked him twice! It's getting harder to stay comfortable when I am sleeping and I am hot all the time. I haven't been getting headaches like I was before.. but I have noticed I've been getting tired again easily.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

I'm Back!

It's been a while since I've blogged because I have been gone. I spent the first weekend plus a few days in Texas. I felt like I needed a vacation from my vacation after leaving there! We did a lot of walking and shopping. There's just so many malls and places to see, so we did a lot of walking. We also did a lot of eating, which was proven to me when I stepped on the scale at the doctors office yesterday. ;] My Mom bought quite a few outfits for Bryson, while we were there. His closet is going to be so full. haha It's so much fun shopping for him though. Here is one shirt she got him..

Josh loved the shirt and said that now B just needs a "My First Fishing Shirt" ;]

After getting back from Texas I had a day to recover in Mobile before heading to Birmingham and then New Albany, MS. My friend Shannon and I traveled up to Birmingham to stay with our friend Lindsey on Thursday night. Friday we headed to New Albany. (It's a small town near Tupelo) My friend Lauren was married on Saturday and it was a busy couple of days getting things done. Lauren has very interesting taste and her wedding was definitely her. Here's a picture of me and the bride at the reception:

Yesterday I returned to Dothan and had a doctor's appointment. Bry's heartbeat was 148. Very strong! I was literally in and out in about 10 minutes. I was told I need to drink caffeine to help with my headaches. I was trying not to drink any caffeine except occasionally, but I started having headaches everyday. So my doctor said that some caffeine and Tylenol should help me out. I'm still not going to drink caffeine unless I need too. I don't want Bryson to get use to caffeine nor like the taste because he will not be drinking any kind of caffeine product for a long long time. Bryson is growing and he's about the size of a large banana or carrot. He weighs about 11 ounces.. though he may be more since he was ahead of the average baby at the last ultrasound. Josh is a smart man.. after not seeing me for about 2 weeks he said "Wow! I can't believe how much Bryson has grown!" Such a smart thing to say instead of saying "Wow you've gotten big!" haha

Speaking of Josh, he accepted a prestigious award while I was gone for setting up something at work. He's such a smarty!

Yesterday we put together Bryson's crib!! While I was gone Josh put together his dresser... so exciting! Now I can't wait to get his bedding!!

I love his furniture! It looks really good against the green walls. Josh also painted our other bathroom the same green while I was gone. I'm going to do a brown shower curtain with frog accents. I found a cute set at Target that we both like, so that's our plan! Josh also painted the trim in our foyer area and picked up the foyer table we purchased at Kirklands. Now I just have to find a lamp and other decorations for it. I'm just glad we finally found a table we liked!

This morning we woke up sweating. Our AC had gone out yesterday we believe because we both kept saying it was hot, but figured it just hadn't cooled down the house yet. Luckily I have a Mr. Fix It as a husband and he fixed the problem for only $11. The AC companies were going to charge $90 just to come out and tell us what was wrong. Tomorrow or the next day, Lowe's is suppose to start on our roof.

I also finished registering, while I was in Texas. Bryson is registered at Babies R Us and Target! My first baby shower is in July and I can't wait!